Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 7/28/10

Amended and Approved on 8/11/10

Sharon Community Center


Planning Board Attendees

Susan Price, Chair

Anne Bingham, Clerk

Eli Hauser, Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan 

David Milowe

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer



Alice Cheyer


Jane Desberg



Chair Report

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Chair Susan Price and the Chair’s Report was read.


Meeting Minutes

Ms. Bingham moved to approve the meeting minutes of 7/7/10 as amended. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-0 in favor of the motion. Mr. Hauser and Ms. Sloan abstained as they were absent on 7/7/10.


Form A




Mr. O’Cain presented a sign request for Sharon Cleaners. Ms. Sloan moved to approve the wall sign for Sharon Cleaners as repaired and that the other sign that is free standing in front of the store is disapproved because it does not meet sign guidelines. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor of this motion.


Bella Estates Update

·        The Board discussed the issue of pending open invoices for Tom Houston, Town Counsel as well as the Town itself. Mr. O’Cain informed the Board that as per his conversation with Attorney Gelerman, a payment plan is currently being worked out.

·        The Board received notification from Attorney Shelmerdine that Intoccia Companies will be paying the Thomas family four thousand dollars for their fence.  As of 7/28, Mr. O’Cain said this remained unpaid.

·        Mr. O’Cain along with Dave Sanderson of PSC, discussed the July 27th memorandum from both Tom Houston and Dave Sanderson regarding Bella Estates entitled “Peer review - Supplemental Drawings for modified special permits”. Mr. O’Cain commented that the erosion control on the slope is still an issue. They are supposed to develop a design for creating drainage but this is not on the plan either. They did redesign the outfall area at the end of the street so it flows like a dam. Ms. Bingham asked if there is a schedule to get these items completed. Mr. O’Cain replied that a part of this falls under the Conservation Commission and the order of conditions. He commented when should we say enough is enough and make them complete their changes versus allowing them to build so they can pay for existing tasks.

·        According to Mr. O’Cain the Master Grading Plan is not complete; Items 1-18 regarding the wall are 95% complete in design from an engineering standpoint. To clarify, he said the items the Board needs to be concerned about are 1) slope, 2) wall, 3) landscaping plan and 4) storm issues. The easement for the retaining wall is a part of the homeowner’s agreement.

·        Ms. Bingham asked who owned the wall and should it be treated as a utility? Mr. O’Cain said that was a legal question and under the homeowners agreement. Ms. Sloan stated that in order to move forward she suggests meeting with the Building Inspector, Joe Kent, and Greg Meister regarding mitigation measures that need to be addressed. She wants to know what the issues are and how to get them resolved. Mr. Hauser said he does not want the Board to be the enforcement agent. Ms. Bingham stated that she wants a plan to get things done. Mr. Milowe stated it has been a month since anyone from the Intoccia Group has spoken to the Board. Ms. Bingham suggested a portion of every single sale go into an escrow account and those owed monies could be paid from the account. Mr. O’Cain said there is a bond but that cannot be pulled for four years, the legal life of the subdivision.

·        Mr. O’Cain agreed to summarize the outstanding items with associated dates, in layman’s terms. Mr. O’Cain said he is concerned about the homeowner’s agreement and will provide Ms. Bingham with a list of technical items that perhaps should be added.



1. Ms. Price received a letter from the MAPC for updating the population of Sharon and provided it to Mr. O’Cain.

2. Ms. Price said that the American Planning Association’s annual conference will be held next April and she and Roni Thaler put together a mobile workshop about the Wilber School in Sharon.

3. Discussion of Boston Region Pedestrian Plan was deferred to next meeting.

4. Mr. Hauser and Ms. Sloan will walk around town with MAPC Jenny Raitt concerning the possible creation of a 40R District.

5. Ms. Price stated she attended the 7/26 Finance Committee meeting on ways to improve the Town Meeting deadlines.

6. Ms. Price discussed the Post Office Square proposed zoning revisions and questioned if the Planning Board should have special permit approval in Business District A instead of the ZBA. For example, for smaller issues like compact car parking - why should the applicant go before the Board of Appeals if the Planning Board already has site plan approval? The Board was in agreement.  The Board also reviewed and discussed parking related sections of the zoning draft.

7. Ms Bingham questioned the number of towns that have town planners. Ina email to the Board, after the meeting, Ms. Sloan provided a listing of this information.

8. Ms. Sloan suggested inviting the Finance Committee to the 9/1 Planning Board Meeting to talk about the Zoning Article.

9. Ms. Price reported that she received an email from Laura Nelson regarding creating a zoning article concerning the construction of large homes, when an older, smaller home is torn down.


PO Square Zoning

1. Hold public hearing on 9/15 - book space with no time restriction

2. Ms. Bingham will send letter to editor of Sharon Advocate to invite the public.

3. Work on zoning article at 8/11 meeting

4. Send legal ad to Advocate on 8/23 for posting on 8/30 and 9/6

5. Provide placeholder of article to Roni Thaler

6. Article to go to Attorney Gelerman for review and creation of legal ad.


Next meeting dates

8/11, 9/1, 9/15 Post Office Square Zoning Hearing


To Do

Ms. Levitts to make copies of Town of Sharon report by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council for everyone.



Mr. Milowe moved to adjourn the Planning Board meeting at 10:00 PM. Ms. Bingham seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Attached Documents

1. July 27th Memorandum from Dave Sanderson and Tom Houston of PSC regarding Bella Estates entitled Peer review - Supplemental Drawings for modified special permits.

2. June 18th, 2010 Land Strategies Document for the Town of Sharon.

3. July 29th, 2010 Memorandum from Peter O’Cain regarding Bella Estates. The subject was items outstanding on Bella Estates Definitive CSD plan and other issues.

4. List of Planners from Amanda Sloan’s email.




Note: New Open Meeting Law. As of July 1, 2010 all Planning Board minutes and attachments will be available by contacting Rachelle Levitts at 781-784-3199.